currently i'm totally stress up. at first i tot that after major i would be very happy since i'll be studying finance which suppose to have calculation most of it. but it seem like i'm wrong in one sense. coz it involve a lot of theory which in turn trigger more headache.. damm it....
i intend to have a free year 3 life in uni so i try to squeeze in as many unit as possible within this sem as well. i took max unit of 20 in total as wat i did in previous sem. thot it would be the same after all. but. once again, reality has proof to me tat i'm wrong again.
there is way too many midterm and assignment as well as quiz.. on9 quizz which i can handle.. i almost crack into thousand piece due to stress itself. i have consider whether i shud have drop one of the course. but problem is i have alr brought the book.. wat if the lecturer change the book?? then i would have implicite sunk cost...
so my decision is stay as it is.. although it's very hectic this sem.. but i do hope i can cope with it. plz... after this sem.. i'll be less burden somehow.. hope lies..
Sanding Drywall
1 year ago
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